We're proven in our trade.

Our Story

The Art of the Craft

The best floor is a flat floor. Our corkscrew sticks, weighted cover tops and kiln-drying make sure the boards don’t cup, crown, bend, twist or bow during the drying process. This result is flooring as flat as it is wide and straight as it is long.

Precise and Slow Milling

While lumber manufacturing has changed over the decades, we feel like there are some things that shouldn’t. That’s why we slow-mold our planks at 130 to 170 lineal feet per minute compared to the current industry standard 450.

Slow-molding requires less sanding, produces less waste and takes finish better. It also gives us more time to inspect, end match and side match our planks, making our floors fit better and lay faster.

Specialty Grades

There is a significant demand for “rustic” products that show the natural characteristics of wood. After one European client requested flooring with knots and sound character defects in the wood, we saw the answer to so many requests for a true and beautiful representation of how a tree produces wood. Named for its first owner, our “Euro Character” lumber feels more like nature than flooring in a home.

White Oak

With light-colored sapwood and light to dark brown heartwood, white oak is mostly straight-grained with a medium to coarse texture.

It is a hard and heavy wood with medium bending and crushing strength and a natural durability that makes it resistant to decay.

White oak can be used in flooring, moulding, construction, furniture, joinery, doors, cabinets, paneling, railway sleepers, timber bridges, barrel staves and coffins.

Availability by Grade

Grades Lengths Widths
  3'-10' 2'-10' 1'-10' 1'-7' 2”-1/4” 3”-1/4” 3” 4” 5” 6” 7” 8”
Select & Better  
Euro Character          
#1 Common        
#2 Common          

Red Oak

The sapwood of red oak is white to light brown, and the heartwood is pinkish- or reddish-brown.

Red oak is mostly straight-grained with a coarse texture. This hardwood is heavy with medium bending strength and stiffness and high crushing strength.

Red oak is used for flooring, architectural millwork, moulding, furniture, doors, kitchen cabinets, paneling and caskets.

Availability by Grade

Grades Lengths Widths
  3'-10' 2'-10' 1'-10' 1'-7' 2”-1/4” 3”-1/4” 3” 4” 5” 6” 7” 8”
Select & Better  
Euro Character          
#1 Common        
#2 Common          


Hickory is the hardest, heaviest and strongest American wood. The sapwood is white, tinged with inconspicuous fine brown lines, while the heartwood is pale to reddish-brown.

This hardwood has a coarse texture and fine grain that is usually straight but can be wavy or irregular. Hickory is also well known for very good strength, shock resistance and its excellent steam-bending properties.

Hickory is used for flooring, tool handles, furniture, cabinetry, paneling, wooden ladders, dowels and sporting goods.

Availability by Grade

Grades Lengths Widths
  3'-10' 2'-10' 1'-10' 1'-7' 2”-1/4” 3”-1/4” 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8"
Select & Better        
Euro Character          
#1 Common                        
#2 Common          

Hard Maple

The sapwood of hard maple is creamy white with a slight reddish-brown tinge. The heartwood varies from light to dark reddish-brown.

Hard maple has a close, fine, uniform texture and is generally straight-grained, but it can also occur as curly, fiddleback or bird’s-eye figured.

This hardwood can be used for flooring, furniture, millwork, paneling, kitchen cabinets, worktops, tabletops, butcher blocks, toys, kitchenware, and ballroom and gymnasium floors.

Availability by Grade

Grades Lengths Widths
  3'-10' 2'-10' 1'-10' 1'-7' 2”-1/4” 3”-1/4” 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8"
Select & Better              
Euro Character              
#1 Common                        
#2 Common              


Walnut’s sapwood is creamy white, while the heartwood is light brown to dark chocolate brown with an occasional purplish cast and darker streaks. It also develops a rich patina that grows with age.

This hardwood is generally straight-grained but can sometimes have wavy or curly grain that produces an attractive and decorative figure. It is a tough hardwood of medium density with moderate bending and crushing strength and low stiffness.

Walnut is used to make flooring, architectural millwork, furniture, cabinets, doors, paneling and gunstocks.

Availability by Grade

Grades Lengths Widths
  3'-10' 2'-10' 1'-10' 1'-7' 2”-1/4” 3”-1/4” 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8"
Select & Better          
Euro Character          
#1 Common                        
#2 Common          

Flooring Sales

If you are outside our Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky distribution area, contact our Domestic or International sales team.

  • For Domestic inquiries outside of Tennessee, contact:

    Rick Bright

    (615) 740-5100

  • For International inquiries, contact:

    John Patterson

    (615) 740-5100


If you are within our distribution area, Middle Tennessee Lumber offers additional products and services through the Hardwood Center.

Contact our Sales and Distribution team for more information
or to request a quote.


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Middle Tennessee Lumber Co.
P.O Box 427 Burns, TN 37029